Soul Sprouts Printable Microdosing Journal
Your microdosing experience should be transformative, allowing you to move beyond the patterns that are limiting your life experience. The Soul Sprouts journal is designed to facilitate a gentle inner journal that moves you forward into the life you are seeking.
The Soul Sprouts Microdosing Journal is a six week protocol that includes:
Daily prompts to dial in your dose and help you along your journey
Weekly integration writing prompts to get the most out of your inner learnings
A series of questions at the beginning to set you up for success
A final integration writing prompt to alchemize the whole journey
Curated quotes to brighten your day and make you think
Note: the product you are downloading is a digital download and is delivered as a PDF. You’ll notice that the download includes a V1 at the end of the file name. We are actively improving the journal based on your feedback so as you go through if there are things you’d like improved please email us and we’ll keep making the journal better for people like you.
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All Printers
Your microdosing experience should be transformative, allowing you to move beyond the patterns that are limiting your life experience. The Soul Sprouts journal is designed to facilitate a gentle inner journal that moves you forward into the life you are seeking.
The Soul Sprouts Microdosing Journal is a six week protocol that includes:
Daily prompts to dial in your dose and help you along your journey
Weekly integration writing prompts to get the most out of your inner learnings
A series of questions at the beginning to set you up for success
A final integration writing prompt to alchemize the whole journey
Curated quotes to brighten your day and make you think
Note: the product you are downloading is a digital download and is delivered as a PDF. You’ll notice that the download includes a V1 at the end of the file name. We are actively improving the journal based on your feedback so as you go through if there are things you’d like improved please email us and we’ll keep making the journal better for people like you.
Works with:
All Printers
Your microdosing experience should be transformative, allowing you to move beyond the patterns that are limiting your life experience. The Soul Sprouts journal is designed to facilitate a gentle inner journal that moves you forward into the life you are seeking.
The Soul Sprouts Microdosing Journal is a six week protocol that includes:
Daily prompts to dial in your dose and help you along your journey
Weekly integration writing prompts to get the most out of your inner learnings
A series of questions at the beginning to set you up for success
A final integration writing prompt to alchemize the whole journey
Curated quotes to brighten your day and make you think
Note: the product you are downloading is a digital download and is delivered as a PDF. You’ll notice that the download includes a V1 at the end of the file name. We are actively improving the journal based on your feedback so as you go through if there are things you’d like improved please email us and we’ll keep making the journal better for people like you.
Works with:
All Printers