Microdosing Protocols

The Soul Sprouts Journal is designed to be flexible for the individual and allow for the microdosing protocol that best suits your needs. For days you aren't dosing, mark the dose amount as N/A or No and continue with the regular journal prompts as you would any other day.

Below are a list of seven different microdosing protocols that can be used with the journal. We recommend picking the one that best suits you.

  1. The Fadiman Protocol: Dr. James Fadiman developed this protocol, which suggests taking a microdose every three days. It involves taking a microdose on day one, followed by two days of observing and integrating the experience, and then repeating the process with another microdose on day four.

  2. The Stamets Protocol: This protocol, popularized by mycologist Paul Stamets, suggests a more frequent dosing schedule. It involves taking a microdose daily for five consecutive days, followed by two days off. This cycle is then repeated for several weeks.

  3. Self-Experimentation: Some individuals prefer to create personalized protocols by experimenting with different dosing schedules and intervals. They might start with a lower dose and gradually adjust it to find what works best for them, whether every other day, every few days, or once a week.

  4. The "Three Days On, Two Days Off" Protocol: Similar to the Fadiman protocol, this approach involves taking a microdose for three consecutive days, followed by two days off before repeating the cycle.

  5. The "Weekend Warrior" Protocol: If you prefer a less frequent schedule, this protocol suggests taking a microdose once weekly, typically on the weekend. This allows for a more noticeable effect when you have more free time to reflect and integrate the experience.

  6. The "As-Needed" Protocol: Some individuals choose to microdose on an as-needed basis, using psychedelics when they feel it would be beneficial. This approach offers flexibility in tailoring the microdosing schedule to individual needs and circumstances.

  7. The Intuitive Protocol: Dose as necessary based on your intuition. I did this with Tabernanthe Manii for 64 days, microdosing almost every single day. You can read about that experience here.